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Saturday, October 29, 2011


Backbiting: The Favourite passtime ofmost women, One which will lead us straight to the HELL. A passtime which leads Us to the transfer of Our Good Deeds to Another person( And their bad deeds Heaped upon Us)

Nor backbite one another; would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would abhor it. (Qur'an 49:12)
Prophet Muhammad (s) once said to Imam 'Ali ('a):

”O 'Ali! When someone hears the backbiting of his Muslim brother committed in his presence, yet he does not rally to his assistance despite being capable of doing so, God shall humiliate him in the world and in the Hereafter.”[Al-Hurr al-`Amili, Wasa'il al-Shi`ah, vol. 8, hadith no. 16336]

Abu Dharr ® once asked the Prophet Muhammad (s): ”O Messenger of Allah, what is gheebah?”

He replied: ”It is to mention about your brother that which he detests.”

Abu Dharr ® said: ”O Messenger of Allah, what if that which is mentioned of him should actually be in him?”


"Indeed, the WASTEFUL are brothers of the DEVILS, and ever has SATAN been to his LORD UNGRATEFUL." (Al Quran 17:27)

According to Medical Doctors TOBACCO is one of the cause of CANCER which means it Kills Smoker very slowly which is equals to SUICIDE, if this happens to any smoker then according to one of authentic Hadith he is confirmed one of the habitant of Hell.

Is it allowed in Islam to say one prayers with Nail-color on ?.

Is it allowed in Islam to say one prayers with Nail-color on ?.

Story of a young man with strong desires

A young man came to a shaykh and said, “I am a young man with strong desires. I cannot  help looking at people when I am in the bazaar(market). What do I do?” 

The shaykh handed him a cup of milk that was full to the brim, and told him to deliver it to an address that would take the young man directly through the bazaar (market). 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lowering Your Gaze – Practical Steps for Getting Close to Allah [Part 2]

Lowering Your Gaze Heart

By Zubair Khan
Sometimes, as a Muslim youth in America, going through high school and college while keeping your emaan can be really difficult. I want you to recall back to the last time you were in one of the following situations:
  • You were walking on campus (or in the hallway) on a hot summer day and as you looked ahead to see where you were going, your eyes fell upon a half-naked beautiful woman (or man).
  • Or when you were reading an Islamic article or just browsing the Internet at night and a nasty popup appeared right in front of your eyes.

At that very moment, did you immediately lower your gaze and say “astagfirullah” / “audhobillahi minnash shaytaanir rajeem”? If you did, then alhumdulillah! But if at that very moment you struggled to lower your gaze and/or didn’t feel anything in your heart telling you that you shouldn’t be looking at what you’re looking at, then you should continue reading this article…
Wallahi, lowering your gaze as a young Muslim is very difficult, especially since you have immodesty, pornography, and such lewdness running rampant in this society. We have cable television (channels such as MTV, E!, and even the Disney channel!) openly promoting this type of behavior. Even the most popular video game out right now (GTA 4) is all about money, girls, cussing, and boosting (stealing) cars! (Ya Allah…) When our hearts aren’t affected by this type of behavior, and we wonder why it’s so hard to lower our gaze, we should realize that the root of the problem isn’t our gaze, that’s just a symptom, but the root of our problem is that our hearts aren’t lowered in front of Allah (swt). And the way to lower your heart in front of Allah (swt) is by developing a strong connection with him through some of the suggestions that will be discussed below. When we develop a connection with Allah (swt), we will find that our limbs (including eyes) will automatically reject anything that displeases Allah (swt).

Friday, October 21, 2011

Seashells and Pattering Hearts

The importance of accompanying sincerity with every deed we perform. 

This is the authored portrait of a young woman, whom through growth and experiential ruminations has come to learn of herself and the world around her. She is but sixteen years old and yet, like many teenagers, she feels as though the weight of the entire world rests firmly upon her shoulders. She plasters the words “fragmented” and “naïve” boldly across her faltering self-image. She asks herself, “What is the essence of sincerity?

But I Love the Attention

With the hijab comes sacrifices, but we must be willing to weigh the temporal pleasures with the eternal bliss.

In her recent novel Boy vs. Girl, Na’ima B. Roberts illustrates an important, yet overlooked phenomenon for girls and women who wear hijab:
        “But lately, she had lost some of that confidence, that immunity to guys’ indifference to her. It had started to bother her that their eyes glazed over when they saw her, sliding away from her face, brightening when they saw Robina’s cheeky smile and highlighted hair.
Her pride was hurt, her vanity bristled…
Once upon a time, she had been the darling of every clique that mattered. Now, in her hijab, she was considered a pariah…”
This excerpt details the struggle of Farhana, one of the main characters in the book, as she dons the hijab. She is a teenager in high school and the confidence with which she began to wear hijab slowly diminishes as she discovers some of the consequences.

The Biggest Change

This piece comes from an Anonymous sister, whose story we found on the internet along with the request to spread it far and wide (“please forward this to all the people you know, I want every one to read my story”). We share it here (with edits for readability and flow) in the hopes that her words will touch you, too.
I am a twenty year old Muslim girl from the Arabian Gulf, “the original place of Islam.” And I want to talk to you about my life before and after hijab.
I used to believe that hijab wasn’t an important issue. That it limited my freedom. So I decided I would never wear hijab as long as I lived. Although my mother wears hijab, she never forced my sisters or I to wear it. She felt that we had to believe in hijab in order to practice it, or else we would take it off as soon as we were away from her. And that might be true in some ways.
Or maybe not having your daughters wear hijab when they are younger just makes it more difficult for them to wear it when they are older. It’s hard, when you’ve been used to something your whole life, to get up and change it all at once. It can take a long time to change your mind.
Anyway, I used to love making a “show” of myself, especially since I wasn’t at all bad looking. And that was the most difficult part. I used to love dressing up and buying expensive clothes, and I loved it when everyone was looking and pointing at me. I loved it when people would say, “Wow! She’s beautiful!”

For the Love of the Gift

We all love gifts. We love the blessings that beautify our lives. We love our children, our spouses, our parents, our friends. We love our youth and we love our health. We love our homes, our cars, our money, our beauty. But what happens when a gift becomes more than just a gift? What happens when a want becomes a need, a favor becomes a dependency? What happens when a gift is no longer only that?
What is a gift? A gift is something that did not come from us. A gift is given—and can be taken. We are not the original owners of a gift. A gift is also not necessary for our survival. It comes and goes. We want and love to receive gifts—but they are not necessary to our existence. We don’t depend on them. We don’t live to receive them and do not die if we don’t. They are not our air or our food. But we love them.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A girl emailed an Islamic website the following story of regret, embarrassment and pain

A girl emailed an Islamic website the following story of regret, embarrassment and pain:

Assalam Aleikom waand RahmatullahAllah's Mercy wa barakatuh,

I hope you can be of use to me in this problem: I'm a 17 year old Arab girl living in an Arab country and still in high school.

Unfortunately, I learnt about the internet, I misused it and spent my days chatting with guys and watching prohibited websites

(I did such things behind my parents back and no one knew about them) even though I used to be religious and hated girls who chatted with guys.


Praise be to Allaah.

Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmaan al-Jibreen (may Allaah preserve him) was asked about the ruling on women wearing jeans. He replied:

“As for women wearing pants or trousers, this is not permitted, even if she is on her own or in front of other women or her husband, except if she is in a closed room with her husband only. Apart from that, it is not permitted because it shows the details of her body and makes her get used to these clothes. So she is not permitted to wear these clothes at all.” (al-Nukhbah min al-Fataawaa al-Nisaa’iyyah, p. 30).

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih ibn ‘Uthaymeen was also asked about the ruling on women wearing any kind of pants or trousers. He (may Allaah preserve him) answered:

“I think that women should not wear trousers at all, even if there is no one with her apart from her husband, because this is imitating men. The ones who wear trousers are men, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed women who imitate men.”

Majmoo’ Fataawaa wa Rasaa’il al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen,

Be the Most Beautiful Woman in the World

Be the Most Beautiful Woman in the World

... With your beauty, you are better than the sun;
with your morals you are more sublime than musk;
with your modesty you are nobler than the full moon;
with your compassion you are more beneficial than rain.

So, preserve your beauty with faith,
your tranquility with contentment,
your chastity with Hijab.


A story*..about a Marriage proposal*
Once there was a very handsome, pious, well educated young man, whose parents emphasized for him to get married. They had seen so many marriage proposals, and he had turned them all down. The parents thought it was becoming a little ridiculous or suspected that he may have someone else in mind.
However every time the parents left the girls house, the young man would always say "she's not the one!" The young man only wanted a girl who was religious and practicing (which was hard to find). However one evening his mother arranged for him, to meet a girl, who was religious and practicing.

On that evening, the young man and girl were left to talk and ask each other question (as one would expect). The young man, being a gentleman that, he was allowed, young lady to ask first.
Young girl asked the young man so many questions. She asked about his life, his education, his friends, his family, his habits, his hobbies, his lifestyle, his enjoyment, his time pass, his experiences, his shoe size and his likes and dislikes. Basically everything!
And the young man replied to all of her questions, without tiring and politely with a smile. Young girl took up nearly all of the time, over an hour and felt bad and asked the young man do you have any questions?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Please... see me for who I am

Please... see me for who I am

Open your eyes
Open your mind
Open your heart
See me for who I am

Stop gawking at my modesty
Stop staring at my clothes
Stop criticising my way of life
Believe me…
I’m happy with what I’ve chosen

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Assalaamu alaikum [Peace be to you]

Islam has professed the use of the Islamic greeting when encountering another Muslim or leaving the company of another Muslim because it unifies the hearts and strengthens bonds between Muslims.

The prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- said, "I swear by the one whose hand my soul is in that you will not enter paradise until you believe. And you won’t be believed until you love one another. May I tell you something, that if you practice it you will love another, spread the SALAM* [Islamic greeting] among you." This makes it clear to us, that spreading SALAM among Muslims is the first step towards paradise. This is because spreading SALAM leads to increasing the love between our hearts. And the increase of love between our hearts will increase the Iman [faith].
*SALAM means peace in Arabic

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Behind the scarf like a pearl

Assalaamu alaikum[Peace be to you],

here's another Poem about Hijab and Muslim woman I'd like to share with you guys and girls. it's called "Hijab" (it was submitted to [link]):

You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed,

You know me not for what is inside,
You judge the clothing I wear with pride,

My body is not for your eyes to hold,
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mould,


There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all...

:bulletgreen:What is a Smile?
In Physiology , a smile is a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles most notably near both ends of the mouth. The smile can be also around the eyes.
In Psychology, smile is an impulse response to some situation that consequently takes us back to the emotionally stable state. One more way to define smile is, a way of welcoming any person or thing or situation in life .