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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Do you know that skinny jeans is not hijab?

skinny jeans reveal the shape of your body(i.e. legs). hijab means to cover yourself. to protect yourself from men getting arouse when looking at you. scarf should fall down covering your bosoms. your dress should be wide enough to hide the shape of your body. note that when you are wearing tight clothings it is just the same like you are “naked”.
remember this:
The Prophet (saw) said: There are 2 types of people whowill enter the Hell-Fire, whom I have not seen yet. People with whips like the tails of cattle, with which they strike the people, and women who are clothed yet naked, they will walk in a seductive manner, seducing and being seduced, with something on their heads that looks like the humps of camels leaning to one side. They will never enter Paradise or even smell its fragrance, even though its fragrance can be detected from such and such distance. (Ahmad & Muslim)
before you go out in public, look into the mirror. are yourclothings wide enough?
are you wearing socks to cover your feet? oh,yes. feet is your aurah, dear muslimahs.
are you wearing a long enough sleeves to cover your hands up to your wrists?
are you wearing your scarf down to cover your bosoms?

10 Wonderful reasons to be grateful to your mother

Narrated Abu Huraira:
A man came to Allah’s Apostle and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Who is more entitled to be treated with the bestcompanionship by me?” The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Your mother.” The man said. “Who is next?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man further said, “Who is next?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man asked for the fourth time, “Who is next?” TheProphet said, “Your father. ”
(Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 2)
10 Wonderful reasons to be grateful to your mother
1. Your mother carried you for 9 months bearing pain upon pain.
2. During this time, she could not eat becuase of you! She could not sleep because of you!
3. When you were a baby, she spent every minute of herlife looking after you!
4. She only slept when you slept! She only ate after you had eaten!

Tips & Tricks for Maintaining High Imaan

We've all gone through periods in our lives where we feel we have no time for ourselves, our family, friends, and even sadly for Allah swt. Life is all about balance andno matter what we're going through, the most important factor in our life should always be our Creator.Allah swt created us to worship Him.

[And I (Allâh) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone).] Quran 51:56
If our main purpose in life is to worship Allah, then everytime we decide to skip a prayer or two, we are not fulfilling our purpose in life. This makes me question, where are our priorities. If Allah is not our top priority, then we have issues. Without Allah we simply would not exist, so we owe it to ourselves and to our Creator to fulfill our responsibilitie s towards Him. I came up with five tips that will inshAllah make it easier for us to maintain our imaan no matter if we're at school, with our families, or behind a desk at work.

1) Increase your remembrance of Allah
Whenever you are in line at the grocery store, walking toor from class, or just relaxing make dhikr (remembrance). Say Bismillah, Alhamdulilah, SubhanAllah, or AstakhfaraAllah . Remembering Allah is such an easy task. You don't need to pull out your prayerbeads to make dhikr. It really is very simple and you're gonna be thankful later. On the Day of Judgement when you have all these hasanats (rewards) coming in inshAllah, you're gonna wonder where they came from and you're gonna be glad you spent your free time making remembrance .
If you have an ipod, fill it up with Quran and Islamic lectures. Click this link for Amazing Lectures! Whenever you have free time simply press play and you will instantly remember Allah. Remembering Allah makes it easier to stay away from haram. Think about it this way. If you were to say Bismillah before everything you do, doyou think you would commit as many sins. Imagine saying Bismillah then stealing. It's not likely you would do that. Remembering Allah at all times during the day keeps shaytan away and it keeps you focused on the end goal, which is jannat inshAllah.

Speak Up But Don’t Argue

A man once asked Imam Ahmad, ‘I sometimes find myself in a gathering where the Sunnah is mentioned, but no-one apart from me has more knowledge of it. Shall I speak up and say something?’
Imam Ahmad then said, ‘State what the Sunnah is, but do not argue over it.’
The man then repeated his statement and so Imam Ahmad said, ‘I only see you to be an argumentative man!’
And this is what Malik (rahimahullah) meant in his saying(after informing people of the Sunnah), ‘And if they don’t accept it from you, then be silent.’
Mu’tamir ibn Sulayman: ‘I heard my father say, ‘You can never get a man to listen to you when you have just angered him.’

Be yourself..

No one can ever tell you, you're doing it wrong. In a world where you can be anything... be yourself.
Each of us represents a star in Heaven.
Sometimes we shine with the rest, sometimes we twinkle alone and sometimes, when we least expect it, we make someone else's dreams come true. If theres one thing I have learnt it isnt holding on that makes you stronger, but sometimes it's lettin... go.


When becoming humiliated,
remember the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in Ta'if.
When being starved,
remember the Prophet (Peace be upon him) tying two stones to his stomach in the battle of Khandaq.
When becoming angry,
remember the Prophet's (Peace be upon him) control of anger on the martyrdom of his beloved Uncle Hamza.
When losing a tooth,
remember the Prophet's (Peace be upon him) tooth in the battle of Uhud.

3 ETIQUETTES: What does a muslimah do on Thursdays?

Thursdays hold many opportunities for gaining Allah's blessings and love. There are two days our deeds are shown to Allahs SWT and Thursday is one of them. It wasalso the regular practice of our Prophet Mohammed SAW.
Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Actions are presented on Mondays and Thursdays, so I like my actions to be presented while I am fasting." (Muslim related it without mentioning fasting.) [at-Tirmidhi]


It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.

1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
3.. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do noteat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.

The Hijab: Misunderstood

Love this poem!


In the world,
There are some places,
In my hometown,
Among friends and family,
Greetings abound from the lips of strangers,
This familiar sound,
I know it so well,
I turn to reply,
In the way that many else will.We are all
By the invisible strings,
Of religion.
In the world,
There are the places,
Where I feel dark and secluded,
People stare at me
In awe
In confusion
Or plain distrust.

Confessions of my hijab, Its my beauty.

My hijab is my true identity.
It’s my destiny. Without my hijab I have lost a piece of protection.
Soon I will be everyone's center of attention.
Covered by my cloth, I submit myself to Allah.
The stares, the taunts and the jeers it never fazed me because I don't fear insincere people.
To the girls with the see thru shirts and mini skirts what does that get you besides stares from hungry perverts?
We are given respect instead of being treated like dirt.


Don't stare at me
I am covered with hijab
the one that saves my soul
I never care about your staring
but all you could see is my long cloth
covering me from top to bottom
There is no exposed flesh to make you happy
but loose and not transparent veil
that makes you think
how i am modest
I have much freedom than you think
more talents than you imagine
but still i am modest
just because of the Hijab

Thursday, January 26, 2012


The Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

I had considered ordering for the prayer to be established, then I would order every man to pray and set loose men who have with them logs of wood upon a people who did not come to the prayer and I would burn their houses with the fire. (Bukhari, Muslim)

This clearly indicates that there is no excuse for men to make a congregation at home if they have a Masjid near them and it is possible for them to pray in one.

Imam al-Shafi`i (Allah have mercy on him) said in hisal-Umm: I do not allow anyone who is able to attend the congregational prayer to miss it, unless they have an excuse. [Shafii, al-Umm, 1.154]

Obviously we all have different situations. Some of us live near a Masjid. Some very far. For some of us it is too dangerous to venture out on our own or it maybe that we live in extreme climates etc.

By being ”too far” it is meant that if it is genuinely difficult to get to a Masjid because of how far it is or if it is in such a location that it is very difficult to get to etc. If it is possible to attend with even a little hardship then one should make every effort to do so for their are HUGE rewards in praying at the house of Allah.

However, for those who are unable to pray at the mosque but able to pray in congregation with other Muslims (such as co-workers or one’s wife). They get the reward of praying in congregation if they take the means and establish such congregations at work or at home. Then, when they are able to go to the mosque, they should hasten to do so. If, while doing this, they have the firm and sincere intention that had they been able to go to the mosque they genuinely would have, they get (some or all of the) reward of praying at the mosque itself, as rigorously authentic hadiths of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) clearly explain. [Shurunbulali, Imdad al-Fattah Sharh Nur al-Idah; Tahtawi, Hashiyat al-Maraqi]

So where ever we are whether it is at work, school, shopping centre etc we should try and establish a congregation where possible and with the right intention we would gain immense reward of praying Salaah with congregation.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hijab: A Muslim Male View

A well-researched treatise on the subject of hijab by guest author T. Husayn.

Hijab: A Muslim Male Perspective
The topic of hijab is one that evokes and provokes. It generates within all of us a plethora of thoughts and emotions. The web and media are replete with opinions of Muslim women and politicians on this sensitive topic. Some non-Muslims have used hijab as a springboard to unleash virile anti-Islamic polemics. Here I wish to share some thoughts on hijab from the perspective of a Muslim male living in America and preempt any perceptions of dogma by providing relevant evidences. Hijab is such a grand concept that one cannot write about it except with awe.
According a 2007 Pew Research Center report on Muslim Americans, only 38% of Muslim women wear hijab all the time whereas 48% do not wear any head covering at all. As a side note and interesting factoid, 48% of Muslim American women pray the obligatory prayers five times a day compared to 34% of Muslim men. The sisters as a whole are undoubtedly keener to hold fast to the religion. Yet the issue of hijab bifurcates Muslim women and creates tension.
Why do the majority of Muslim American women not wear the hijab? What are the reasons that some choose to wear the hijab? What does a Muslim man think of hijab and how does its adoption or lack thereof affect him? These are questions I will attempt to answer below.
Women who choose not to wear the hijab come under many categories, some of which are as follows:
  1. Women who deny the obligation of hijab
  2. Women who think that hijab is “only strongly recommended” but not obligatory
  3. Women who do not feel naturally shy when wearing revealing outfits outside the home and have mentally and physically adopted the dress code of the occident
  4. Women who want to wear the hijab but are afraid of the consequences in the form of occupational discrimination, stares, glares, comments, family resistance, spousal resistance, etc.
  5. Women who state something to the effect of: “I don’t need to wear hijab because Allah knows my heart is clean and I don’t do bad things”
  6. Women who state something to the effect of: “I don’t have to wear the hijab, there is no compulsion in religion”
The first two categories of women should be advised (gently, kindly) and shown extensive evidences from the Qur’an & Prophetic traditions (Sunnah) that unequivocally prove the obligation of wearing hijab. Allah jalla wa ‘alaa states in His Book:
{O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the believing women that they should draw over themselves their jilbab (outer garments) (when in public); this will be more conducive to their being recognized (as decent women) and not harassed. But God is indeed oft-forgiving, most merciful} (33:59)
{And know that women advanced in years, who no longer feel any sexual desire incur no sin if they discard their thiyab (outer garments), provided they do not aim at a showy display of their zeenah (charms or beauty). But it is better for them to abstain (from this); and God is all-hearing, all-knowing} (24:60)
It is amazing that Allah informs us that even for an older woman who is given leeway with hijab, it is better that she still wears it. Then what about young sisters in their teens, twenties and thirties when their charms are still in full bloom?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Important: Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head

Important: Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head

Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head. It's a way of life
by Asma Bint Shameem

Just because some of the sisters have their head covered, they think that the requirement of Hijaab is fulfilled. They don’t realize that wearing a Hijaab requires much more than just covering your head.

Actually, if you think about it, Hijaab is the way you talk…..the way you walk….the very way you carry yourself. In fact, Hijaab is an attitude in itself. Its a whole way of life.

Allaah says:

A Girl’s Heart Desire


I want to open my hijab,

and show the world,

... that I too,

I am beautiful in the people’s definition.


deep down here,

in my little heart,

I know that beauty is by definition,

a mystery.

and it is forever more rewarding,

to be beautiful in God’s eyes.


I want to wear ruffled dresses and tight jeans,

show off what I really look like,

under those baggy shirts and loosely fitted pants,

make a statement,

that I too,

have a figure and worth looking at.

Monday, January 16, 2012


1. The Mystery of the "In-Love" Case
 The 'in love' syndrome is not necessarily true love as yet.
 Love is an illusive aspect: it's a mirage.
 People build illusive dreams about marital bliss. When this dream ends, then real love starts to build up because you know exactly who they are.
 Based on how much they compromise, their love will change and either grow stronger, or lead to a break-up.
 You have to try to maintain the signs of love for they nurture love

Theories on Love:
The Love Tank Theory (by Gary Chapman): Love is like a gas tank. Men wait until the pointer is on empty, and even then they say, I've still got a few more miles on this, so they wait until the tank is completely empty before they stop to get gas.

What happens if there are no gas stations around?!
Women on the other hand, start panicking before the pointer reaches even the half-way line. In love and
marriage, you need to refill often; don't wait until the pointer's on empty, or even on half. Keep refilling; never let your love run out.

The Love Bank Theory: When a couple gets married, it is like opening a joint bank account. Each spouse makes deposits into that account. After a while they start withdrawing, always thinking that they
Have enough to cover them and they don't deposit anything in return. You have to deposit into your love bank account or else you won't have any credit left to withdraw from!

Love is Truly a Mystery:
We learned earlier that Bani Udra were a very passionate people that would sometimes die because of their passionate love. Also, it is reported that Zaid ibn Thaabit (ra) led the janaza prayer over a person who
had died from being in love. There is clearly something going on here. Love ultimately seems to be something that only Allah (swt) holds the secrets to.

2. What Harms Love?
 Exploitation of love itself: "If you love me, then ..." People use love as a commodity. It's not something you use to bargain with.
 Infidelity- if someone chooses to marry a second wife, he jeopardizes his first relationship.
 Acts of disrespect: very dangerous. Once you hurt his dignity and respect, he's gone forever.
 The slanderer.
 Long unnecessary separations: definitely hurts; 'Umar asked the women how long they could stay without their husbands, and they replied maximum 6 months, so he made a rule that every mujahid could stay on an expedition no longer than 6 months.
 Contemporary technology: TV and PC- don't have them in the bedroom, if at all. The bedroom is a place of relaxation and relationship building with your wife. There should be no distractions and inattentiveness
towards your spouse.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Stolen Glance

Ruzky ibn Aliyar

A stolen glance,
A flicker of the eyes,
A gaze upheld
When better it is to be blind.
The innocent gaze then sown as an evil seed,
Its crooked roots twisting and turning,
Fixating itself into the heart of the beholder…
The tortuous roots give rise to wicked flower,
And thorns that make the heart shudder,
And yet…
She is still beautified in his eyes…
He is captivated, enthralled, frozen stiff,
Like a boy teetering at the edge of a cliff,
Only a sheer drop in front of him,
The crashing waves curling, reaching towards him.
Reality becomes blurred yet alluring,
The great Deceiver paints him a distorted picture:
She is dazzling, blindingly enchanting,
And his eyes refuse to turn away from her.
Then shaytan sparks a fire unbeknownst to the boy,
She speaks to him and he jumps for joy.
Little does he know that his heart is becoming like a sun-scorched forest,
A heart bereft of thirst-quenching taqwa that gives life to the heart -
He is like that forest, only waiting to get burnt.
They steal the occasional conversation, making him madly yearn for more;
He becomes mesmerised by her,
And she  –well … he doesn’t know.
The shy glances become a full-blown gaze,
A tiny whisper in his heart pleads him to look away.
But he cannot, the arrows have weakened his heart,
The taqwa built up during Ramadhan seems light-years away.
He finds excuses to send her mail,
Upon desires his heart has set sail.
And to him a reply she always does send,
Funny stories, silly plans, “What did you do over the weekend?”
He is spellbound, infatuated,
Lured and ambushed by the throngs of desires, fixated.
He hurriedly looks away when he finds himself turning,
She being the orientation of his unlawful pining.
She is naturally shy and of a modest manner,
Dulcet with a doe-eyed demeanour.
She wore the hijab and he sported a slight beard
Appealing to him was her character more than her figure.
Or maybe it was shaytan just luring him deeper?
He hated himself for paving the path he now treaded,
Overpowered by an unyielding fever, he now withered.
He wished her to be his lawfully wedded,
Wishing safety from Allah’s wrath which he feared.
Overtaken by this fervour, he spent long nights in prayer,
Crying and beseeching so that she may be decreed as his beloved.

My Dear Sisters, Beware of the « Wolves of the NET!!

* Beware of the one who talks to you in “the name of love”

who is promising you marriage but he wants to « know you better » through chat before, who wants to see your pic, or wants to go out with you to “have a better idea” of “his future wife” before taking the first step and talk to your father...

If he was really good and righteous, he would suggest immediately to come to your house to ask your wali/father for your hand in marriage .

There is an Arabic proverb talking about this kind of men the one who “enters house from window and not from the door of the house”

and Allah says in Qur’an :” So enter houses through their proper doors, and fear Allah that you may be successful.”

A faithful Muslim man would choose to make what is right and ask the father for the hand of his daughter and not to make a haram relationship with her behind his back! In fact, dating is haram in Islam and the engagement period is made so that the couple know one another better according to Sunnah in the presence of mahram of course (without dating)

* Be careful of a man who talks to you in “the name of religion”

Who wants to be in touch with you so you can help him to become "better Muslim” who wants to have chat with you so that he can take advantage of your Islamic knowledge or who wants to help you in religious matters!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

he is like a brother

“You’re just like a brother to me!” she’d often tell her Muslim college friend whom she’s grown close to over the years. She feels comfortable with confiding in him, trusting him, opening up to him – but she’s never thought of him as a husband. They hang out together during their breaks, she calls him whenever she needs to vent, and she loves how he’s never judgmental towards her. To him, she was a friend at first — but he soon discovered that he’d often feel a tinge of jealousy whenever she spoke nonchalantly and joked with other male classmates. It burned him inside, and he’d always try to pull her away casually without making his irritation apparent. Many times, he’d look at her with admiration, smiling and melting away with his dreams of what could be for them. He would never dare bring up marriage to her, though. How could he when she only viewed him as her brother?
So, would you call these two good friends? Brother and sister maybe? Boyfriend and girlfriend? As with many cases in the Muslim community, this is a confused pseudo-marriage framed under the guise of friendship or an innocent brotherly bond. As the two become lax in their interaction, their hearts naturally – albeit unintentionally – gravitate towards each other, their minds become occupied with each other, and one or both parties eventually develop feelings that either remain trapped or expressed and acted upon unlawfully. With their increasing closeness and intimacy, the special reserves of loyalty, emotional sentiments and halaal physical attraction may be exhausted before their rightful outlet in marriage. If they end up not getting married and search elsewhere for a partner, they may never be content because they can’t resist comparing potential spouses with their former “friend”. Even if they eventually marry someone else, they will always have a history, and sometimes Shaytan can push them to reconnect and rekindle that past relationship during marriage.